Science figures prominently in discussions and decisions relating to OHV use and rustic camping on public lands – as it should.
That said, AOHVA believes that all Albertans have the right to understand how science is being used to guide important decisions affecting their opportunity to enjoy the province’s outdoor spaces; and the government has the responsibility to be upfront and open with Albertans in that regard.
AOHVA has established a multi-organizational committee gather, assess and critique the literature used to make decisions about OHV use and open camping on Alberta Public Lands.
Undertake a thorough investigation of the literature referred to by the government and ENGOs:
- Gather all relevant information
- Assess all relevant information
- Critique all relevant information
The culmination of the committee’s efforts will be to deliver an opinion about whether the literature truly supports the conclusions that the Government of Alberta is drawing to change access for OHV use and open camping across the province.
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