AOHVA Participation
AOHVA has worked diligently and in collaboration with the government for the past 7 years to establish a dedicated and focused organization to ensure the appropriate development, enhancement and maintenance of user-funded, designated trails for all off-highway recreation enthusiasts in Alberta. AOHVA Board Members have attended more than a hundred meetings with Government of Alberta ministers and staff over the years…and while there have been different ministers and staff, our team was a constant at the table - along with OHV colleagues from member clubs.
AOHVA has been an active Participant throughout the Land Use Frameowrk and Regional Planning processes.
AOHVA has been an active participant throughout the Land Use Framework and Regional Planning Process
- Lower Athabasca Regional Plan
- Representation Biodiversity Management Plan Meetings
- Representation at Linear Footprint Planning Meetings
- Representation at Preliminary Recreation Planning Meetings
- North Saskatchewan Regional Plan
- Representation at Introductory planning process
- South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
- Representation at all 57 public consultation process
- Representation at Biodiversity Management Plan meetings
- Representation at Linear Footprint Management meetings
- Representation at Recreation Planning Meetings – Porcupine Hills/ Livingstone
- Representation at Castle Park Management Plan Consultations
- Ghost Area Management Plan
- Eagle Point Blue Rapids Park Council
- Castle Special Management Area Plan and Access Plan
- Bighorn Backcountry Access Management Plan
- Secondee in the Integrated Land Management Project
- Land Use Framework Planning Working Groups
- Richardson Backcountry Access Plan
- Redwater Natural Area Recreational planning
- Coal Branch Land Use Planning
- Alberta Recreational Corridors Coordinating Committee
- AOHVA clubs supporting the Bighorn Standing Committee
- AOHVA clubs supporting the Clearwater Trails Initiative
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