The Government of Alberta is taking away your access to many trails and open spaces throughout our province. The closure of The Castle is just the first step. Porcupine and Livingston are next!
With that in mind, the Alberta Off-Highway Vehicle Association (AOHVA) welcomes and appreciates the opportunity to provide the government with some important insight and information. It is our hope that AOHVA and the Government of Alberta, Environment and Parks will work together to establish a foundation from which to fortify Alberta’s parks and public spaces, ensuring they are places all Albertans can enjoy.
We agree with Minister Phillips that “Healthy watersheds, responsible recreational activity and sustainable resource development, are not mutually exclusive.”
Read on to Be Informed. Get Engaged. TAKE ACTION! to be part of the solution.
The Government of Alberta is currently working to develop and implement a province-wide Land Use Framework, enacting the biggest change to land use in the province in 30 years.
AOHVA believes that in 2017, Albertans will be facing a significant reduction or restrictions to their access and enjoyment of Alberta’s outdoor spaces.
AOHVA supports a shared solution, to the issues underpinning the Castle Management Plan, which strikes a balance between environmental stewardship and recreation opportunities.
Read the AOHVA submission for feedback on the Castle Provincial Park and Castle Wildland Provincial Park Draft Management Plan. (HYPERLINK TO NEW DOCUMENT)
Government of Alberta LAND USE FRAMEWORK
AOHVA encourages and supports the development of the Land Use Framework for the respectful enjoyment of the back country, understanding that it is there to protect the environment and wilderness FOR the people of Alberta and not to keep it FROM the people.
Read the AOHVA Position Paper on the LAND USE FRAMEWORK
AOHVA supports and encourages an open, transparent and collaborative consultation process to develop the land footprint and biodiversity management framework. Our concern is that the current linear target of 0.6 km2 is not based on scientific evidence applicable to the Alberta Landscape. The only methodology used to date appears to be computer modeling based on unscientific variables or data.
Read the AOHVA Position Paper on the LINEAR FOOTPRINT
The AOHVA and its members are committed to work in a collaborative manner with user groups in the development of recreation and access management plans. However, the AOHVA strongly believes that this process could be accomplished through the establishment of a Delegated Administrative Organization. It is further proposed that participation in Access Management Plans needs to be coordinated through provincial organizations with a broader perspective.
Read the AOHVA Position Paper on the SSRP
Government of Alberta SSRP
If you value Alberta’s wide open spaces and your opportunity to enjoy them, now is the time to join and lend your support to your local OHV club or one in the area in which you ride.
Listing of AOHVA Members
- Sign up on the AOHVA website to receive updates
- Share this information with everyone you know
- Add your voice to the public discussion, share your opinion
- Express your concerns to the premier, the minister, your MLA and municipal leaders
TAKE ACTION…be part of the solution.
As increasing pressure is put upon our outdoor activity, it is very important that ALL OHV riders become part of the solution to create sustainable multi-use trails throughout Alberta. Membership in your local AOHVA affiliated club will help to preserve and protect your opportunity to ride in Alberta.
Write letters to the Premier, the Minister your MLA and local elected officials. Follow these tips…
Be up to date on the issues and our efforts. Read more here…